At Vivid Audio, our team represents more than four decades of changing the way our customers experience sound. Our loudspeakers are designed to produce a perfectly transparent, symmetrical, open sound, free from colour, resonance and reflection, that connects you, the listener, seamlessly with the performer. We’re an engineering-led company, applying our unique acoustics expertise, technical skill and design creativity to develop truly ground-breaking products. Our customers include dedicated audiophiles, discerning music lovers, home entertainment aficionados and those who recognise, expect and demand the very best in everything. Welcome to Vivid Audio – and the world as you’ve never heard it before.

The diaphragm is a critical factor in loudspeaker performance. As it moves, it flexes, potentially creating the tinny, metallic resonance known as break-up. It’s possible to reduce this effect by damping, but it’s always a compromise. So, as engineers, we figured: instead of spending time and adding complexity trying to correct it, why not eliminate the problem altogether? Our first advance was to apply a discovery made by designer Laurence Dickie more than 20 years ago. Adding a ring of high-modulus carbon fibre around the edge of the anodised aluminium alloy dome adds stiffness, and pushes break-up frequencies significantly higher. The real breakthrough came when we combined this technique with a reoptimized dome profile. Using finite element analysis (FEA) we discovered that a catenary curve – the shape naturally described by a length of chain suspended between two points – takes first break-up modes almost one octave higher than in a conventional spherical dome. This near-doubling in performance guarantees an unrivalled purity of sound, particularly in the crucial midrange band. We use this unique, patented dome profile in all Vivid Audio upper-mid and high frequency drivers.
For the listener, the sound produced from the front of the loudspeaker is obviously what matters most. For us as engineers, the issue of the sound coming from the back is just as important. Unless it’s contained or dissipated, it will reflect off the back wall of the cabinet and interfere with the forward radiation, adding unwanted colour and resonance. Our solution is Tapered Tube Loading (TTL) which is designed to absorb, rather than just contain, the rearward sound. The driver is coupled to a tube which narrows exponentially, and is filled with wool fibre. The taper naturally compresses the damping material, so that by the end of the tube, sound is absorbed entirely; none is reflected back though the diaphragm. TTL is now our standard solution for all Vivid Audio mid- and high-frequency units.

One of the secrets behind our tapered tube loading technology’s outstanding performance is our innovative Super Flux Magnet. An essential requirement in the design of drivers for use with tapered tube absorbers is that they have a large central hole. The rear-mounted radial magnet facilitates this while maintaining the smallest outside diameter so the drivers can be close together. Our super-flux magnets feature a highly focussed field which give our D26 tweeter a peak flux of 2.5T – roughly twice that found on most 25mm tweeters – and an efficiency of 96dB/W. Another small but powerful example of our attention to detail - and refusal to compromise.

To maximise magnetic flux, the gap between the coil and pole in a loudspeaker driver needs to be as narrow as possible (in ours, it’s barely a third of a millimetre across). As the coil former moves up and down in this gap like a piston in a cylinder, air is compressed behind the dust dome, creating drag and damping the motion of the cone, especially at low frequencies. The simplest solution is to make a hole in the magnet pole - but this produces resonance. A more refined approach is a row of holes in the coil former. This pushes up the resonance and reduces its sharpness (or Q-factor), but creates audible noise as the air passes through the holes. We’ve taken this a step further with our Highly Vented Former (HVF) in which almost half the surface area is made up of holes. This moves the resonance right out of band and lowers the Q-factor to the point where it’s almost undetectable; it also eliminates air noise, offering a near-perfect solution to an age-old problem.

In loudspeaker drivers, the magnet, suspensions, voice coil and cone assembly are all held within the chassis. The key to a good chassis design is ensuring there’s nothing behind the cone which might cause resonance, reflection or any other disturbance of the sound coming from the rear of the diaphragm. Any obstacles will affect the cone’s free motion, and thus the sound coming from the front of the driver. In the early days, a chassis was little more than a pressed metal dish with holes punched in it: not surprisingly, this caused serious problems of both resonance and reflection. Today’s more refined chassis (including ours) are made from diecast aluminium; however, most manufacturers use broad struts, since this simplifies the tooling. In contrast, the 12 struts in a Vivid Audio chassis have a uniquely narrow aspect ratio, and are cleverly aligned to minimise obstruction. For example, our C125 low-mid driver has struts just 3mm wide; and with a total area of just 10% of the cone area, they’re acoustically all-but invisible. As well as their narrow frontal area, they’re also unusually deep. This has the added benefit of almost tripling the total chassis’ radiating area, making it a highly efficient finned heat sink for the motor assembly, reducing power compression as the drive level is increased.

Newton’s Third Law of Motion famously states that ‘every action produces an equal and opposite reaction’ – a principle that applies to all mechanical systems, including loudspeaker motors. As the cone is pushed forwards by the current in the coil, it exerts an equal and opposite force on the magnet, causing it to move. In itself, this motion is harmless: the problems arise if the driver is coupled to the cabinet, which acts as a sounding-board and creates resonance and sound colouration. At Vivid Audio, we approach this issue in two ways. Our mid- and high-frequency units are suspended on silicone O-rings, which decouple the driver and the cabinet, preventing them exciting structural resonances.

Newton’s Third Law is also obeyed at the loudspeaker ports. Here, the air rushing in and out produces an equal and opposite reaction force on the cabinet making the quality of the port output dependent on the way in which the enclosure is mounted on the floor. We seek straightforward, elegant solutions wherever possible, and so developed our Reaction Cancelling Ports (RCP), which is simply two opposing ports that cancel the cabinet reaction completely.

As engineers, we’ve always been fascinated by composite materials. And it’s their remarkable versatility and strength-to-weight that makes manufacturing our radically-shaped cabinets possible. We make them all entirely in-house, by hand, giving us complete control over materials, tooling, production, finishing and quality. One of the key features (indeed, selling points) of competing systems is their sheer weight. And in loudspeakers where you have front-mounted bass drivers, a heavy base is essential to prevent the cabinet from moving around. With our Reaction Cancelling Compliant Mount, we don’t require weight (even our flagship GIYA G1 Spirit weighs just 80kg) but we do need stiffness. So, we build our cabinets using a vacuum-infused glass-reinforced composite, which allows us to add rigidity exactly where it’s needed.

I diffusori KAYA potevano essere realizzati solo da Vivid Audio. Quei profili sinuosi. La tecnologia brevettata. Soprattutto, quella sorprendente qualità del suono, libera da ogni risonanza e colorazione, che spalanca la finestra sull'esecuzione. E, naturalmente, sono completamente rivoluzionari, a modo loro discreto. Linee morbide e pulite e un suono dettagliato e focalizzato che ti attira, attira la tua attenzione. Facile da vivere. Veramente stimolante per la vita. ACCESSIBILE ED STRAORDINARIO La gamma KAYA è l'autentica esperienza di ascolto di Vivid Audio, resa più accessibile. Questi altoparlanti a tre e due vie riprendono tutta la nostra tecnologia brevettata e la racchiudono in custodie eleganti e compatte: perfette per le stanze in cui il sistema audio fa parte dello spazio, piuttosto che la caratteristica principale, e ottimo per l'home theater. La posizione del tweeter e del driver di fascia media conferisce agli altoparlanti KAYA un suono più direzionale, portandoti più a fondo nell'esecuzione. E una volta che sei lì, puoi crogiolarti in ogni dettaglio e il campo sonoro continuo e ordinato creato dal nostro approccio unico guidato dall'ingegneria. Nello sviluppo della gamma Kaya Vivid Audio ha attinto all'esperienza e alla creatività dei designer industriali Matt Longbottom e Christoph Hermann. Per loro, Kaya è stata una sfida di design perfetta: creare un linguaggio di progettazione che si basa sulla filosofia fondamentale di Vivid Audio di utilizzare il suono per informare il design, ma può rimanere calmo e accessibile in tutta la famiglia di prodotti. Gran parte del lavoro di Matt Paciock è stato influenzato dall'uso di tecniche di modellazione di superfici per portare bellezza e dettagli nei prodotti fabbricati industrialmente. Questa serie di diffusori si basa sulla sua esperienza nella progettazione di mobili in cui il contatto umano con il design è al massimo naturale. Inoltre Christoph Hermann ha dimostrato la sua esperienza nel design generativo per ottimizzare le griglie dei diffusori riducendo al minimo le ostruzioni del materiale. Insieme hanno creato questa serie di diffusori splendidamente scolpiti, informati digitalmente ma altamente ingegnerizzati.

KAYA loudspeakers could only be made by Vivid Audio. Those curvaceous profiles. The patented technology. Above all, that astonishing sound quality, free from all resonance and coloration, that opens the window wide on the performance. And of course, they’re completely revolutionary, in their own understated way. Smooth, clean lines, and a detailed, focused sound that draws you in, holds your attention. Easy to live with. Truly life-enhancing.ACCESSIBLE AND EXTRAORDINARY The KAYA range is the authentic Vivid Audio listening experience, made more accessible. These three and two-way loudspeakers take all our patented technology and package it in sleek, compact enclosures: perfect for rooms where the sound system is part of the space, rather than the main feature, and great for home theatre. The position of the tweeter and mid-range driver gives KAYA speakers a more directional sound, taking you deeper into the performance. And once you’re in there, you can revel in every detail, and the seamless, uncluttered sound field created by our unique engineering-led approach.In developing the Kaya range Vivid Audio drew on the experience and creativity of Industrial designers Matt Longbottom and Christoph Hermann. For them, Kaya has been a perfect Design challenge - create a design language that builds upon Vivid Audio's core philosophy of using sound to inform design - but can remain calm and approachable throughout the diverse family of products. Much of Matt Longbottom's work has been influenced by the use of surface modelling techniques to bring beauty and detail into industrially manufactured products. This speaker series draws from his experience in furniture design where human contact with design is at its most natural. In addition Christoph Hermann demonstrated his expertise in generative design to optimise the speaker grilles by reducing material obstruction to an absolute minimum. Together they created this beautifully sculpted, digitally informed yet highly engineered speaker series.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

VIVID AUDIO  KAYA K25                                                                     Listino  ufficiale  €. 5.750,00

Kaya 25 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Kaya Diffusore da pavimento a 2 vie in bass reflex, 2 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 150W. Impedenza 8ohm. Frequenza: 42-39000Hz, Sensibilità 89dB. Progettata per ambienti di dimensioni più contenute e montata su un’estesa base di alluminio di ottima qualità, Kaya 25 riproduce un suono ben dettagliato ad un livello inaspettato per le relativamente piccole dimensioni. Sebbene sia un sistema a due vie, Kaya 25 benefica dell’esclusivo accordo reflex Vivid Tapered Tube per una pulita ed estesa resa della gamma bassa: nascosto all’interno della struttura esterna in materiale composito ed in contrasto con quanto presente nei modelli più grandi, la tromba esponenziale assorbente è ingegnosamente nascosta nel supporto del diffusore. Un unico altoparlante C125D dalla membrana in lega di alluminio riproduce sia le frequenze della gamma bassa e media e, come il driver C100SE montato sui modelli più grandi, è dotato di un magnete radiale che assicura un suono trasparente e dettagliato sino all’estremo del suo campo di utilizzo. Il tweeter D26 è installato in una poco profonda guida d’onda per accordarsi con la dispersione del C125D. I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Oyster Matte - Piano Black - Pearl White. E' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL+1.700,00 .Specifiche : sistema  a 2 vie 2 altoparlanti -Materiale composito sandwich rinforzato con vetro Soric-core Colore del cabinet Piano, Perla, Oyster Opaco Colore del cabinet su misura Opzioni colore personalizzate disponibili su richiesta Unità di azionamento HF: D26 - 26mm cupola conica con tubo caricato conica LF: C125D - 1 x cono in lega da 125 mm Caricamento dei bassi Valvola conica potenziata con riflesso dei bassi potenziato Sensibilità 85dB 2,83VRMS / 1m Impedenza nominale (�) 8 Ohm (7,5 Ohm Min) Gamma di frequenza (Hz) 40Hz-25kHz (-6dB) Prima modalità di rottura D26 44kHz armonica distorsione <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenza (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenza di crossover (Hz) 3,0 kHz Potenza dell'amplificatore consigliata 25 W - 125 W Dimensioni dell'altoparlante 1160 (h) x 263 (w) x 340 (d) mm Peso  24 kg Dimensioni di spedizione 1245 (l ) x 680 (l) x 450 (h) mm Peso 30 kg (cadauna)

KAYA 25 Designed for smaller spaces, KAYA 25 delivers a fine-detailed, transparent sound on a scale that belies its compact dimensions. Drawing visual inspiration from our bestselling OVAL range, and sharing technology with our all-conquering GIYA loudspeakers, KAYA 25 is the most accessible way to bring the transformative Vivid Audio approach to the music you love the most.A NEW LISTENING EXPERIENCE The KAYA 25 is a two-way speaker, with the alloy-coned C125D drive unit handling both bass and mid frequencies. Adopting a technology previously used only in our GIYA bass drivers, the driver is fitted with a radial rare-earth magnet, which ensures clean, transparent sound right to the top of its range. The laws of physics (which we’re bound to obey) dictate that at the upper end of the frequency range, the sound becomes more focused and directional. To match this, the D26 tweeter is mounted in a shallow waveguide, ensuring that the sound field remains completely seamless. The effect is a compelling listening experience that holds your attention and draws you into the music: perfect for more concentrated listening, and enjoying music with nuance, depth and complexity.A SLIMLINE PROFILE WITH HIDDEN DEPTHS Although it’s a two-way system, KAYA 25 still benefits from the same patented Tapered Tube bass loading you’ll find in the larger members of the KAYA family, as well as our more technically complex GIYA loudspeakers. The difference is that in KAYA 25, the exponential absorber horn is cleverly concealed in the stand. This gives the loudspeaker a slim, unobtrusive outline that finds its place effortlessly in almost any setting: indeed, the name KAYA is the Zulu word for ‘home’.If the profile of KAYA 25 seems familiar, it may be because it recalls our bestselling OVAL B1 Decade. We’d always had it in mind to try wrapping the absorber horn into the OVAL stand, as it seemed such a logical development: with KAYA 25, we’ve finally done it – and it works as beautifully as we suspected it would. The result is bass reproduction with the same clarity and articulation as both the larger KAYA models and our GIYA loudspeakers: every note is perfectly distinct and free from blurring, so you get to enjoy it precisely as it was played.Specification Configuration 2 way 2 driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced Soric-cored sandwich composite Cabinet colour Piano, Pearl, Oyster Matte Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26 - 26mm tapered tube loaded alloy dome LF: C125D - 1 x 125mm alloy cone Bass Loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflex Sensitivity 85dB 2.83VRMS/1m Nominal impedance (�) 8 Ohm (7.5 Ohm Min) Frequency range (Hz) 40Hz- 25kHz (-6dB) First D26 break-up mode 44kHz Harmonic distortion <0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Crossover frequency (Hz) 3.0kHz Recommended amplifier power 25W- 125W Loudspeaker dimensions 1160(h) x 263(w) x 340(d) mm MASS 24kg Shipping dimensions 1245(l) x 680(w) x 450(h) mm MASS 60kg (pair) Price  for  one  speaker

VIVID AUDIO  KAYA K45                                                                     Listino  ufficiale  €. 9.500,00

Diffusore da pavimento a 3 vie in bass reflex, 4 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 300W. Impedenza 4ohm. Frequenza: 39-33000Hz, Sensibilità 87dB. In virtù dell’utilizzo di altoparlanti in configurazione “reaction cancelling” e inseriti in una mobile costruito in materiale composito e con l’esclusivo accordo reflex brevettato “Vivid Tube Tapered”, Kaya 45 è caratterizzata da una gamma bassa ricca ma eccezionalmente controllata. Le frequenze della gamma media sono riprodotte dal nostro nuovo altoparlante C100SE (dotato di un magnete radiale vicinissimo alla bobina), che libera le frequenze alte e riduce la distorsione, ed è inserito in una propria tromba esponenziale assorbente. Ripiegando lo sviluppo della tromba su se stessa, abbiamo ridotto la sua lunghezza del 40% per adattarla alla linea del mobile senza comprometterne le prestazioni. Le note più alte sono riprodotte dal noto ed apprezzato Tweeter D26 la cui cupola (in allumino) a sezione catenaria e rinforzata con trame di carbonio assicura un perfetto funzionamento a pistone fino a 40Khz, a garanzia di chiarezza e precisione senza pari. I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Oyster Matte - Piano Black - Pearl White. E' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL+1.700,00.Specifiche : sistema  a 3 vie 4 altoparlanti -Materiale del cabinet Materiale composito sandwich rinforzato con vetro Soric-core Colore del cabinet Piano, Perla, Oyster Opaco Colore del cabinet su misura Opzioni colore personalizzate disponibili su richiesta Unità di trasmissione HF: D26 - 26mm cupola conica con tubo caricato conica MF: C100se - 100mm Cono in lega caricato a tubo conicoLF: C125L - 2 cono in lega da 125 mm Caricamento dei bassi Riflessione dei bassi potenziata con tubo conico esponenziale Sensibilità 87dB 2,83VRMS / 1m Impedenza nominale (�) 6 Ohm (2,8 Ohm Min) Gamma di frequenza (Hz) 37Hz- 25kHz (-6dB) Prima modalità di interruzione D26 44kHz Distorsione armonica <0,5% su gamma di frequenza (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 300Hz e 3kHz Potenza consigliata dell'amplificatore 25W - 250W Dimensioni dell'altoparlante 1153 (h) x 298 (w) x 385 (d ) mm Peso 25 kg Dimensioni di spedizione 1245 (l) x 680 (l) x 450 (h) mm Peso 30 kg (cadauna)

The KAYA 45 is designed for everyday spaces, as well as dedicated listening rooms; to be part of the room, not necessarily its principal feature. Wherever you choose to locate it, KAYA 45 draws you deep into the performance with its focused, natural sound, and reveals your favourite music in the kind of detail you never imagined possible.NEW LOOK. SAME SOUND.One of the defining characters of our loudspeakers is the incredible clarity and articulation in the bass. Gone is the muddiness, the blurring of the notes: all is perfectly separate and distinct. And that matters. After all, as Debussy (may have) said: music is the spaces between the notes. That clarity is the result of our patented absorber horn, which eliminates resonances and coloration. In the GIYA series, it curves over the top of the enclosure, creating that unmistakeable outline. It’s still present, for the same reasons, in the KAYA 45, but folded back on itself, so it fits neatly inside. So you can enjoy the same extraordinary sound, from a loudspeaker that’s also easy on the eye.The KAYA 45 is a direct descendant of our GIYA loudspeakers, and shares much of the same technology. This includes our Super Flux Magnets in the driver units. These radial magnets, still very unusual in commercial loudspeakers, naturally have a large hole in the centre, which allows the sound to flow naturally from the diaphragm into the absorber, free from resonances and reflections. On GIYA models, we use these magnets in the bass drivers: for KAYA, we’ve fitted them to the mind-range driver, too. Here, they reduce distortion and improve performance in the higher frequencies. And prove that you really can make a good thing even better.KAYA 45 can easily fill the largest room with sound. Compared to the four-way GIYA, it produces a slightly more directional sound field; this is largely a function of being a three-way loudspeaker, with the tweeter sound projected forwards rather than sideways. As a consequence, the sound is more focused, lending itself to more concentrated listening it’s also absolutely brilliant for home theatre, where the precise positioning of the sound source is a central element of the overall experience.Specification Configuration 3 way 4 driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced Soric-cored sandwich composite Cabinet colour Piano, Pearl, Oyster Matte Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26 - 26mm tapered tube loaded alloy dome MF: C100se - 100mm tapered tube loaded alloy coneLF: C125L - 2 x 125mm alloy cone Bass Loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflexSensitivity 87dB 2.83VRMS/1m Nominal impedance (�) 6 Ohm (2.8 Ohm Min) Frequency range (Hz) 37Hz- 25kHz (-6dB) First D26 break-up mode 44kHz Harmonic distortion <0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Crossover frequencies (Hz) 300Hz and 3kHz Recommended amplifier power 25W- 250W Loudspeaker dimensions 1153(h) x 298(w) x 385(d) mm MASS 25kg Shipping dimensions 1245(l) x 680(w) x 450(h) mm MASS 60kg (pair)  Price  for  one  speaker

VIVID AUDIO  KAYA K90                                                                 Listino  ufficiale  €. 14.500,00

KAYA K90 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Kaya Diffusore da pavimento a 3 vie in bass reflex, 6 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 600W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 38-33000Hz, Sensibilità 89dB. Il modello top di questa linea è in grado di insonorizzare perfettamente anche ambienti molto grandi con una qualità sonora naturale maestosa.  Questi diffusori a tre vie, coniugano molte delle nostre tecnologie più esclusive con una linea sottile ed un profilo poco intrusivo, che permettono una facile convivenza e sono una gioia per l’ascolto.Diffusore da pavimento a 3 vie in bass reflex, 6 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 600W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 38-33000Hz, MSensibilità 89dB. Colori standard: Oyster Matte, Piano Black o Pearl White.  Colore speciale personalizzato RAL   + 1.700,00 euro Specifiche : sistema  a 4 vie 6 altoparlanti - Materiale del cabinet Materiale composito sandwich rinforzato con vetro Soric-core Colore del mobile Piano, Perla, Oyster Opaco Colore del mobile su misura Opzioni di colore su misura disponibili su richiesta Unità guida HF: D26 - Cupola conica con tubo conico da 26mm conica MF: C100se - 100mm conica cono in lega caricato a tubo LF: C125L - 4 coni in lega da 125 mm Caricamento dei bassi Riflessione dei bassi potenziata con tubo conico esponenziale Sensibilità 90dB 2,83VRMS / 1m Impedenza nominale (�) 6 Ohm (4 Ohm Min) Gamma di frequenza (Hz) 35Hz- 25kHz (-6dB) Prima modalità di interruzione D26 44kHz Distorsione armonica <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenza (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 300Hz e 3kHz Potenza consigliata dell'amplificatore 25W- 500W Dimensioni dell'altoparlante 1202 (h) x 370 (w) x 540 ( d) mm Peso 38 kg Dimensioni di spedizione 1245 (l) x 430 (l) x 590 (h) mm Peso  55kg (ciascuno)

  KAYA 90 mOur top-of-the-range KAYA model, the KAYA 90 delivers an effortless, powerful and focused sound that connects you directly and intimately with the music. These three-way floor-standing loudspeakers combine some of our very best audio technology with a slim, unobtrusive profile, making them easy to live with, as well as a joy to listen to.Specification Configuration 3 way 6 driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced Soric-cored sandwich composite Cabinet colour Piano, Pearl, Oyster Matte Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on requestDrive units HF: D26 - 26mm tapered tube loaded alloy dome MF: C100se - 100mm tapered tube loaded alloy cone LF: C125L - 4 x 125mm alloy cone Bass Loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflex Sensitivity 90dB 2.83VRMS/1mNominal impedance (�) 6 Ohm (4 Ohm Min) Frequency range (Hz) 35Hz- 25kHz (-6dB) First D26 break-up mode 44kHz Harmonic distortion <0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Cross over frequencies (Hz) 300Hz and 3kHz Recommended amplifier power 25W- 500W Loudspeaker dimensions 1202(h) x 370(w) x 540(d) mm MASS 38 kg Shipping dimensions 1245(l) x 430(w) x 590(h) mm MASS 55kg (each) Price  for  one  speaker


We’re guessing you’ve never seen speakers like them; and you’ve definitely never heard speakers like them. The GIYA range is a direct, deliberate challenge to every aesthetic and acoustic convention. But it’s a rebel with a cause: there’s a cool, precise engineering logic behind every line and detail. And if you can’t take your eyes off them, imagine the effect on your ears. Massive, room-filling yet amazingly laid-back sound, revealing hidden subtleties and nuances in the music you love most. Embrace the extraordinary.THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE Our flagship GIYA range is the choice of committed audiophiles and connoisseurs worldwide. The radical shape is defined by proven acoustic principles taken to their logical conclusions, untethered by conventional wisdom and construction techniques. Every element of the design is the products of pioneering innovation, from our patented hand-built drive units to our advanced vacuum infused composite enclosure. Every detail has been considered and refined in our relentless quest to eliminate resonances and reflections – and enhance your listening pleasure.NATURE KNOWS BEST The purpose of GIYA loudspeakers is simple: to give you the clearest possible window on the music. No distortion or coloration in the sound, nothing to detract from the performance. Perfect clarity and precision in every note and breath. Even tracks you’ve heard a million times sound fresh, full of new details to discover and enjoy. Achieving it requires some truly remarkable, patented technology. And its true genius lies in the fact that you’ll scarcely notice it at work.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100

VIVID AUDIO  GIYA G4 Serie 2                                                Listino  ufficiale  €. 17.500,00

Giya G4 Serie 2 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Giya Diffusore da pavimento a 4 vie in bass reflex, 5 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 400W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 39-33000Hz, Sensibilità 86dB. Crossover con componentistica selezionata. Ora disponibile anche l’ultima nata della serie Giya. Concepita per fornire le prestazioni esclusive della serie Giya in ambienti di dimensioni contenute, la Giya G4 Serie 2 ripropone tutti gli esclusivi principi costruttivi della serie Giya in una struttura alta solo un metro. I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Piano Black o Pearl White. E' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL.Specifica Configurazione Sistema di guida a 4 vie 5 Materiale del cabinet Materiale composito sandwich rinforzato con vetro balsa rinforzato Colore standard del cabinet Colore automobilistico multi-componente altamente lucido Colore del cabinet su misura disponibile su richiesta Unità di azionamento HF: D26 - Unità a cupola metallica da 26 mm con caricamento del tubo conico Metà: D50 - Unità dome in metallo da 50 mm con caricamento del tubo conico Inferiore inferiore: C100S— Driver conico in metallo da 100 mm con caricamento del tubo conico LF: C125L - 2 unità cono in lega con design del motore a corto gap a bobina corta 2,83 Volt a 1,0 metri sull'asse Impedenza nominale (�) 6 nominale, 4 minimo, bassa reattanza Gamma di frequenza (Hz) - 6 punti dB: 36 –36.000 Hz Prima modalità di interruzione D26 44.000 Hz Risposta in frequenza 39 - 33.000 +/- 2 dB sull'asse di riferimento Distorsione armonica <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenze (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 250, 1000, 4000 Gestione della potenza (programma musicale) 400 watt rms Alto dimensioni dei diffusori 1011 mm (H) x 300 mm (L) x 460 mm (P) Peso netto 32 kg

GIYA G4 With the G4 loudspeaker, you can enjoy the authentic GIYA sound and aesthetic in even the smallest space. We’ve taken the same world-class technology you’ll find in our larger GIYA loudspeakers and meticulously housed it in an enclosure just one metre high. The result is a loudspeaker with real character and presence, that delivers power and performance far beyond its modest dimensions. The true GIYA listening experience: condensed, not compromised.THE DRIVE FOR PERFECTION Despite its modest dimensions, the GIYA G4 is a true four-way loudspeaker, with five drivers all designed and made entirely in-house. The C100S low mid-range and twin C125L bass drivers are specially designed to produce the maximum output from their compact cones and chassis. High and mid frequencies are handled by the same D26 and D50 drivers, with our patented Tapered Tube loading, as the rest of the GIYA family. The transparent, accurate and wholly natural sound is everything you’d expect: what might surprise you is the sheer weight and power of that sound.The bass performance of a loudspeaker is a function of cabinet volume and driver dimensions. Yet even as the smallest member of the GIYA family, the G4 produces bass with astonishing weight and power. If you want a bass you can feel, and that will wake up the neighbours and shake pictures off the wall, the G4 will deliver; no problem. But there’s more to bass than just how loud it is. The G4 produces the same incredibly tight, articulate bass, free from distortion and blurring, as the other GIYA models – and so effortlessly and naturally that you can listen for as long as you like without fatigue.With the GIYA G4, having a small space is no barrier to enjoying your favourite music in all its depth, detail and emotional power. The GIYA philosophy is to provide the clearest window on the performance. The G4’s distinctive enclosure, made from a GRP-and-balsa-wood composite sandwich, is designed to eliminate the reflections and resonances that cloud and colour the music. No straight lines, hard edges or angles: just the same smooth curves you find in nature, allowing the sound to travel cleanly and uninterrupted.Specification Configuration 4 way 5 driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced balsa cored sandwich composite Standard cabinet colour Multi component high gloss automotive Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26 — 26mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Mid: D50 — 50mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Lower Mid: C100S— 100mm metal coned driver with Tapered Tube loading LF: C125L — 2 x alloy cone units with short-coil long-gap motor design Bass loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflex Sensitivity 86dB @ 2.83Vrms at 1.0 meter on axis Nominal impedance (�) 6 nominal, 4 minimum, low reactance Frequency range (Hz) - 6 dB points: 36 –36,000 Hz First D26 Break Up mode 44,000 Hz Frequency response 39 – 33,000 +/- 2 dB on reference axis Harmonic distortion < 0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Cross over frequencies (Hz) 250, 1000, 4000 Power handling (music program) 400 watts rms Loudspeaker dimensions 1011mm (H) x 300mm (W) x 460mm (D) Net weight 32kg  Price  for  one  speaker

VIVID AUDIO  GIYA G3 Serie 2                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €. 22.500,00

Giya G3 Serie 2 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Giya Diffusore da pavimento a 4 vie in bass reflex, 5 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 800W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 36-33000Hz, Sensibilità 87dB. Crossover con componentistica selezionata. Racchiuso in un volume di poco più di un quarto di quella della Giya G1 Serie 2, la nuova Vivid Audio Giya G3 Serie 2 è la risposta a coloro che cercano la purezza di riproduzione della serie Giya in una configurazione facilmente collocabile in un ambiente domestico più tipico. Una coppia di woofer di nuova concezione pongono le fondamenta su cui si è costruito membro di mezzo della famiglia. Mantenendo la struttura del driver e i profili di sospensione delle sorelle più grandi, il C135 è ben in grado di produrre energia di bassi nonostante il suo diametro ridotto. La parte superiore della cassa mostra la tipica arricciatura dell’assorbitore per eliminare completamente la parte superiore da risonanze e fornire bassi più precisi. In ogni banda di frequenza la Giya G3 Serie 2 è praticamente identica in termini di prestazioni a Giya G1 Serie 2 e Giya G2 Serie 2: il cono C125 gestisce le medio-basse frequenze, mentre i D50 e D26 a cupola coprino i medi e gli alti, rispettivamente, con caricamento conico indipendente. I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Piano Black o Pearl White. E' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL.specificazione  Configurazione sistema di driver a 4 vie 5 Materiale del mobile Materiale composito sandwich rinforzato con vetro di balsa Colore standard dell'armadietto Automobilistico lucido multicomponente Colore mobile su misura Opzioni colore su misura disponibili su richiesta Unità di azionamento HF: D26 - Unità a cupola in metallo da 26 mm con caricamento del tubo conico Metà: D50 - Unità a cupola in metallo da 50 mm con caricamento del tubo conico Parte inferiore inferiore: C125S - 125 mm con caricamento del tubo conico Bassi: C135— 2 unità cono in lega da 135 mm con gap corto a bobina corta progettazione del motore Sensibilità 87 dB a 2,83 Volt a 1,0 metri sull'asse Impedenza (�) 6 nominale, 4 minima, bassa reattanza Gamma di frequenza (Hz) - punti 6dB: 33 - 36.000 Hz Prima modalità Break Up D26: 44.000 Hz Risposta in frequenza 36 - 33.000Hz +/- 2 dB sull'asse di riferimento Distorsione armonica <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenza (2a e 3a armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Gestione della potenza (programma musicale) 800 watt rms Dimensioni altoparlanti 1161mm (H) x 341mm (W) x 578mm (D) Peso netto 36 kg

GREAT THINGS IN SMALL PACKAGES With its distinctive composite enclosure, the G3 is unmistakeably part of the GIYA family, and a direct descendent of the pioneering G1. And like them, its striking design is driven entirely by function. The curling tapered tube absorber completely eliminates top-to-bottom resonances to deliver sharp, accurate bass from the paired C135 drivers – and with a power you have to hear to believe, given the G3’s compact sizeThe G3 is built around the same D26 tweeter and D50 mid-driver, both metal dome units with Tapered Tube loading, as the larger GIYA models: our C125S alloy cone driver handles the lower-mid range. The resulting sound is everything you expect from a loudspeaker that bears the GIYA name: sublime transparency, accuracy and naturalness that’s easy to enjoy, and impossible to obtain anywhere else.Even at just 1.1 metres tall, the G3 loudspeaker makes its presence felt. You may wish to make a feature of its radical, sculptural design; or you might prefer to let its work speak for it instead. With our range of colours, you can make your loudspeakers as subtle or strident, restrained or resplendent as you like. The G3 is available in two standard finishes - pearl white and piano black – and any other colour you desire by special order.Specification Configuration 4 way 5 driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced balsa cored sandwich composite Standard cabinet colour Multi component high gloss automotive Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26 — 26mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Mid: D50 — 50mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Lower mid: C125S — 125mm with Tapered Tube loading Bass: C135— 2 x 135mm alloy cone unit with short-coil long-gap motor design Sensitivity 87dB @ 2.83Vrms at 1.0 meter on axis Impedance (�) 6 nominal, 4 minimum, low reactance Frequency range (Hz) - 6dB points: 33 – 36,000 Hz First D26 Break Up mode: 44,000 Hz Frequency response 36 – 33,000Hz +/- 2dB on reference axis Harmonic distortion < 0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Cross over frequencies (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Power handling (music program) 800 watts rms Loudspeaker dimensions 1161mm (H) x 341mm (W) x 578mm (D) Net weight 36kg  Price  for  one  speaker

VIVID AUDIO  GIYA G2 Serie 2                                                          Listino  ufficiale  €. 29.000,00

Giya G2 Serie 2 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Giya MDiffusore da pavimento a 4 vie in bass reflex, 5 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 800W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 33-33000Hz, Sensibilità 89dB. Crossover con componentistica selezionata. La sorella più piccola della Giya G1 Serie 2 per soddisfare un ambiente di ascolto più modesto. La Giya G2 Serie 2 offre l’aspetto e quasi tutte le prestazioni della Giya G1 Serie 2 in una configurazione più piccola. A parte la dimensione, non si differenzia molto dalla sorella maggiore: ha gli stessi driver frontali, il crossover, stesso cabinet e, soprattutto, lo stesso suono incredibile. La Giya G2 Serie 2 ha l’80% dell’altezza della Giya G1 Serie 2 e la metà del volume del diffusore più grande. Si tratta di dimensioni più contenute rispetto alla Giya G1 Serie 2 che la rende perfettamente adatto per la sonorizzazione di camere medio-grandi con suono pieno, vivace e confortevole. I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Piano Black o Pearl White. E' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL. Specifiche  Configurazione Sistema a 5 vie a 5 altoparlanti  Materiale della cabina Panino composito con anima in balsa rinforzata con vetro, base in fibra di carbonio Colore del mobile Piano, Perla Colore del mobile su misura Opzioni di colore su misura disponibili su richiesta Unità di azionamento HF: D26 - Unità a cupola in metallo da 26 mm con caricamento del tubo Tapeed Metà: D50 - Cupola in metallo da 50 mm con caricamento del tubo Tapeed Parte inferiore inferiore: C125S - 125 mm con caricamento del tubo Tapeed Bassi: C175 - 2 unità coniche in metallo da 175 mm con design del motore a corto intervallo a bobina corta Caricamento dei bassi Tubo conico esponenziale potenziato riflesso dei bassi Sensibilità 89dB @ 2,83 Vrms a 1,0 metri sull'asse Impedenza nominale (�) 6 nominale, 4 minimo, bassa reattanza Gamma di frequenza (Hz) - 6dB punti: 29-36.000 Hz Prima modalità di interruzione D26: 44.000 Hz Risposta in frequenza 33-33.000Hz +/- 2dB Distorsione armonica <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenze (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Gestione della potenza (programma musicale) 800 watt rms Dimensioni degli altoparlanti 1383 mm (H) x 360mm (W) x 638mm (D) Peso netto 45kg

Designed as an evolution of the original G1, the GIYA G2 brings you the same world-class technology and peerless sound quality. But at 80% of the height and half the volume of its larger sibling, the G2 is perfectly proportioned for medium-sized rooms, as well as larger spaces, making it easier to accommodate and live with.A DEEPER CONNECTION The similarities between the GIYA G2 and the larger models extend beyond the merely aesthetic. The G2 incorporates much of the same technology, too, including our new metal-dome D26 tweeter and D50 mid-driver, both with our patented Tapered Tube loading. Lower-mid frequencies are deftly handled by our C125S driver, with the evergreen C175 taking care of the bass. The result is huge, natural, transparent sound that faithfully delivers every detail, without ever becoming fatiguing. The GIYA G2 follows the same design as the larger G1 and G1 Spirit – and for exactly the same reasons. The enclosure’s radical shape is designed to eliminate resonance and reflection, which colour and cloud the music. A major source of resonance in any loudspeaker is the back of the bass unit. The conventional solution is to fill the reflex box with stuffing, which has an appealing simple logic to it. But while this works moderately well in reducing the effects of higher-frequency acoustic resonances, it also compromises the port output, so you lose weight, punch and articulation in the bass. Like all GIYA loudspeakers, the G2 has a reflex box that terminates in an exponentially tapered horn. As well as annihilating resonances, this has the double advantage of giving you the full port output: every note comes through with perfect clarity. It’s this absorber horn, curving over the top of the enclosure, that gives the G2 its unique profile and uncluttered, addictive bass performance.Many loudspeaker manufacturers have a ‘signature sound’; a particular quality to the reproduction that, as a listener, you can tune into and recognise. Which is understandable from a marketing and brand perspective. But musically, the last thing you want is your loudspeakers adding colours, textures and tones that weren’t in the original performance. You want them to bring you the music with absolute accuracy; unfiltered, uncoloured and transparent, with every note and breath clearly articulated. Which is exactly what the GIYA G2 is designed to do. So don’t try listening out for ‘the Vivid Audio sound’, because there isn’t one. Just sit back and enjoy your favourite music exactly as the artist wanted you to.Specification Configuration 4-way 5-driver systeCabinet material Glass reinforced balsa cored sandwich composite, carbon fibre base Cabinet colour Piano, Pearl Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26 — 26mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Mid: D50 — 50mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Lower mid: C125S — 125mm with Tapered Tube loading Bass: C175 — 2 x 175mm metal coned unit with short-coil long-gap motor design Bass loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflex Sensitivity 89dB @ 2.83Vrms at 1.0 meter on axis Nominal impedance (�) 6 nominal, 4 minimum, low reactance Frequency range (Hz) - 6dB points: 29–36,000 Hz First D26 Break Up mode: 44,000 HzFrequency response 33–33,000Hz +/- 2dB on reference axis Harmonic distortion < 0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Cross over frequencies (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Power handling (music program) 800 watts rms Loudspeaker dimensions 1383mm (H) x 360mm (W) x 638mm (D) Net weight 45kg  Price  for  one  speaker

VIVID AUDIO  GIYA G1 spirit Serie 2                                                        Listino  ufficiale  €.  49.500,00

Giya G1 Serie 2 Diffusori Main - Frontali Serie Giya Diffusore da pavimento a 4 vie in bass reflex, 5 altoparlanti in alluminio. Potenza applicabile fino a 800W. Impedenza 6ohm. Frequenza: 29-33000Hz, Sensibilità 91dB. Crossover con componentistica selezionata. L’ammiraglia della gamma di altoparlanti Giya, il sistema di altoparlanti allo stato dell’arte. La Giya G1 Serie 2 è caratterizzata dal look distintivo a conchiglia che racchiude in sè un eccezionale livello di ingegneria di dettaglio e raffinatezza di design acustico. Ogni elemento del design è stato affinato in misura straordinaria per produrre l’ammiraglia della gamma Vivid Audio. Giya G1 Serie 2 è l’altoparlante top di gamma, lanciato da Laurence Dickie, è un diffusore la cui tecnologia mira a riprodurre il suono con fedeltà e qualità assoluta. L’intero progetto è ispirato dalla sua funzione e scopo. Gli esperti concordano sul fatto che questo è uno dei migliori diffusori che abbiano mai ascoltato (Wes Phillips, Stereophile) I diffusori sono disponibili con finitura standard Piano Black o Pearl White. ME' possibile l'esecuzione personalizzata in qualsiasi colore RAL + 4.500,00 euro .Specifiche Configurazione  a 4 vie a 4 altoparlanti  Materiale Materiale sandwich composito con anima in balsa rinforzato Colore del mobile Piano, Perla Colore del mobile su misura Opzioni colore personalizzate disponibili su richiesta Unità di azionamento HF: D26- 26mm unità a cupola in metallo con caricamento del tubo Tapeed Metà: D50-50mm caricamento in metallo Caricamento del tubo in Tapeed Basso-medio: C125S - 125 mm con caricamento del tubo in Tapeed Bassi: C225- 2 unità coniche in metallo da 225 mm con design del motore a corto gap a bobina corta Caricamento dei bassi Tubo conico esponenzialmente potenziato riflesso dei bassi potenziato Sensibilità 91dB @ 2.83Vrms a 1,0 metri sull'asse Impedenza nominale (􀃾) 6 nominale, 4 minima, bassa reattanza Gamma di frequenza (Hz) - 6dB punti: 25-36.000 Hz Prima modalità di interruzione D26: 44.000 Hz Risposta in frequenza 29-33.000Hz +/- 2dB on riferimento Distorsione armonica <0,5% sulla gamma di frequenza (seconda e terza armonica) Frequenze di crossover (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Gestione della potenza (programma musicale) 800 watt rms Dimensioni dell'altoparlante 1700mm (H) x 440mm (W) x 800mm (D) ) Peso netto 74 kg

GIYA G1 mThe one that started it all. Our original product, designed by internationally renowned acoustic engineer Laurence Dickie, the GIYA G1 remains the reference standard for all Vivid Audio loudspeakers, and the entire audiophile world. What you’ll notice about first is its unique curved outline: form following function with rare and complete devotion. But what really stays with you, and keeps you coming back for more, is the sound. INSPIRED BY NATURE. PERFECTED BY ENGINEERS. Nature dislikes straight lines almost as much as she abhors a vacuum. She knows that sound travels much more smoothly over curved surfaces; hence the shape of your own ear. Odd, then, that the standard loudspeaker design is still, by and large, a rectangular box. All those sharp edges and right angles produce reflections and resonances – the true enemies of recorded music. Because what you’re hearing isn’t the real performance: it’s a version of it, overlaid with colours and textures the writer and performer never intended. If you want to hear the real thing, you need the GIYA G1.As befits the top-of-the-range model, the G1 brings you all our finest handmade acoustic technology. The new D26 tweeter and D50 mid driver both benefit from our patented Tapered Tube loading. This effectively eliminates cabinet resonances, giving you absolutely clarity and transparency through the high and mid frequencies. Underpinning the performance is the massive bass provided by our paired C225 drivers. Set on reaction-cancelling compliant mounts, they faithfully bring out every note with perfect accuracy, free of the blurring and muddiness that bedevil lesser devices.Sheets of wood are easy to cut, handle and join, which is why loudspeaker makers love them. And they’re perfectly fine if you just want to make rectangular boxes. Which we don’t, for reasons already explained. So instead, the G1 enclosure is handmade from a glass-reinforced composite sandwich, with a core layer of end-grain balsa wood. This allows us to create the curved planes and angle-free internal spaces that prevent reflections and resonances. Not the quickest or easiest way to make cabinets, but the only way to achieve the unique GIYA listening experience.Specification Configuration 4-way 5-driver system Cabinet material Glass reinforced balsa cored sandwich composite Cabinet colour Piano, Pearl Bespoke cabinet colour Bespoke colour options available on request Drive units HF: D26— 26mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Mid: D50— 50mm metal dome unit with Tapered Tube loading Lower-mid: C125S — 125mm with Tapered Tube loading Bass: C225— 2 x 225mm metal coned units with short-coil long-gap motor design Bass loading Exponentially tapered tube enhanced bass reflex Sensitivity 91dB @ 2.83Vrms at 1.0 meter on axis Nominal impedance (􀃾) 6 nominal, 4 minimum, low reactance Frequency range (Hz) - 6dB points: 25–36,000 Hz First D26 Break Up mode: 44,000 Hz Frequency response 29 –33,000Hz +/- 2dB on reference Harmonic distortion < 0.5% over frequency range (2nd and 3rd harmonics) Cross over frequencies (Hz) 220, 880, 3500 Power handling (music program) 800 watts rms Loudspeaker dimensions 1700mm (H) x 440mm (W) x 800mm (D) Net weight 74kg  Price  for  one  speaker



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VIVID AUDIO  OVAL C1                                                                             Listino  ufficiale  €. 4.250,00

OVAL C1 Canale centrale a 3 vie, 4 altoparlanti. Potenza applicabile fino a 300W. Impedenza 8ohm. Frequenza: 49-33000Hz, Sensibilità 90dB. Colori: Nera laccata o Bianca perlata.

OPTIONAL  OVAL C1S Stand da pavimento per Canale centrale Oval C1. Finiture: Nera laccata o Bianca perlata. La coppia. 1.900,00

VIVID AUDIO  OVAL V1H                                                                  Listino  ufficiale  €.    3.500,00

OVAL V1h Canale centrale a 2 vie, 2 altoparlanti. Potenza applicabile fino a 150W. Impedenza 8ohm. Frequenza: 47-30000Hz, Sensibilità 89dB. Colori: Nera laccata o Bianca perlata.


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